INCOSE - International Council on Systems Engineering
What is INCOSE?
INCOSE is a non-profit organization dedicated to advancing systems engineering and elevating the systems engineering profession.
The beginning of INCOSE dates back to 1989, when a conference organized by General Dynamics at the University of California in San Diego, California was held. The aim of the conference was to discuss the problem, which was the growing demand for qualified engineers able to understand the entire system, not just its specific areas. This problem was discussed in more detail in 1990 during a conference organized by Boeing at the Battelle Conference Center (Seattle, Washington). It was attended by 30 delegates who adopted the statute and created the first committees to solve problems in the field of systems engineering. Initially, they functioned under the name NCOSE (National Council for Systems Engineering). In 1995, the organization officially changed its name to INCOSE due to its international expansion. Since 1990, the number of INCOSE members has been growing steadily.
The history of INCOSE in the World
The branch has been operating since 2011.
It was inspired by prof. Bohdan W. Oppenheim.